Jun 19

nomad's snippetsWanted to share with you quickly some interesting web sites I found recently:

TribeWanted: Vorovoro

What a great idea! People from all over the world “buy” a piece of paradise in form of an island (Vorovoro) in Fiji and build an Eco Community. Literally and Online and Offline/Real Life Experiment with a purpose. With your contribution you have the right to spend some time a year on the island and actively or passively take part in its community. There are 3 levels of membership you can buy: Nomad, Hunter and Warrior, which entitle you to different length of stay and membership. It’s a democratic experiment as well, as the visitors on the island have to perform tasks and activities the online members back at home vote for.

The ECUA Traveler.com

is a great resource about travel in Ecuador and South and Latin America. Lot’s of budget travel tips as well, which apply globally. For instance they recently published an interesting article 30 Surefire Ways to Stretch your Travel Dollar. It has some funny and unusual ideas in as well. Definitely worth the read!

Dumb Little Man

Checkout this site for hilarious but useful tips and tricks like 7 Simple Things that Reduce Energy Bills, How to safe money with methods you haven’t heard of yet or Hack Your Work: 23 Ways to Get Ahead, Work Less and Achieve More

Have fun reading! ;-)

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written by Chris

3 Responses to “Nomad’s Snippets – Tribe Wanted, ECUA Traveler and Dumb Little Man”

  1. John OatesNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Thanks for linking to Tribewanted. I hadn’t heard of it before, and have just been taking a look at the website. Interesting stuff – I believe there will be a BBC documentary about it in September, which will attract a lot for interest from the UK.

  2. SeanNo Gravatar HONG KONG Says:

    Thanks for the Tribewanted link, very interesting. Especially as I’m based in Asia.

  3. The DinoNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Thanks for the links. But I am too far.

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