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6 Responses to “Archives”

  1. IkaNo Gravatar JAPAN Says:

    Hello Chris!
    I stumbled upon your blog and I must say this is awesome! ;-)

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Thanks Ika! :D

  3. neilNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    Hey Chris,
    Can you tell me something about women which live outside of the phillipines and still scam money to send home to their families.

    I realize that there is a differance between a guy (myself) who just wants to help out his girl’s family by supporting her to a degree and a girl who is doing this to many men………What are the indicators? If so, what would I do?

    Also, to what degree is it that I take on the expenses of her family in her country?………..What does the culture dictate?

    I hope you can help me on this…..
    Thank you Chris

  4. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Neil, that is really a never-ending topic. Everyone has a opinion about it and then some! Most people would agree to not send any money to someone you haven’t even met. Indicators for scammers are aplenty, but I would recommend on reading further on Mindanao Bob’s excellent website, in regards to the topic.

    You might want to check out the following articles there, this one, or especially this one about Philippine women, who are exploited by their own families, to sending most of their own money back or even ‘extorting’ their ‘loved one’ overseas at any give chance.

    The articles are only half the meat, don’t forget to go throught the comments there, which offer more ideas and will broaden your view. What specific issue are you having? Maybe easier to pinpoint a more concrete answer to an actual scenario? :-/

  5. riainNo Gravatar VIET NAM Says:

    As a Filipino (and Asians in general), it’s part of our culture to support our families back home. However, I would highly recommend that you should not send money to people who you barely know outside the Internet (whether to a Filipina in the Philippines or for any other nationalities for that matter – regardless of their SOB stories.) It’s not about nationalities but pretty much it’s just a smart thing not to do so in any given situation. You wouldn’t wire money to an African prince would you?

    Merry Christmas.

  6. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Riain is right! You can’t emphasize it enough, that those kinds of scams are a global phenomenon and not restricted to the Philippines. Just have common knowledge and don’t do anything you wouldn’t do in your own country. Like sending money to people you’ve never met for whatever reason.

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